November 2012

hai sobat ku semunya , apa kabar nya ?? sore ini saya akan berbagi trik yang lumayan bags lah untu kalian - kalin para pembaca blog yang setia ini . !! ini mari lihat SS 1 GB di jam 5pm alias jam sibuk telkomsel dengan speed yang memuaskan tentunya . ! ini gambarnya . !
silakan di pelototi itu gambarnya kalo nggak percaya ya :P . !

nih triknya sobat . ! bisa ambil disini . !

  • APN Wuz di jam sibuk Telkomsel .

  • Trik kartu baru Tsel SNC langsung Bisa Konak 3G

Terimakasih . !!

hai sobat ku , dah malam ya ? udah tengah malam tepatnya . ! ini saya mau share sedikit tentang trik PC yang masih work , mana tau ada yang belum tau . !! ini SS nya sobat . ! downdload gw tadi sob . monggo di lihat . !
silakan sob bagi yang mau . ! daptkan mendowndload triknya di bawah ini sob . !!
  • Seting SC SNC pada PC :
  • Trik Mengerotkan SNC super Simple di jamin bisa . !
bagi yang kesulitan unutk konak di jaringan HSDPA / 3.5G / 3G ,bisa bertanya di kolom komentar sob . ! terimakasih . !

Update !!

hai sobat ku , pada sehat kan semuanya :D , wkwowkowk  , apakah udah bisa greett melalui PC bro ? tentang trik kemaren ?? trik kemaren masih saya pakek bro . ! dan hasilnya masih work , ya udah , sekarang ane mau bebagi live walpaper untuk android terbaru :)

ini ada sedikit Live walpaper yang bikin HP android mu menjadi semakin keren :D

nah cukup segitu dulu deh sob . ! capek neh :D wkwowkowk , ini support ke semua jenis tipe android , dan support ke semua tipe layar android :) silakan di pilih - pilih ya sob . !! terimakasih . !

hai sobat ku , apa kabarnya ??? baikkan :D dari pada nggak update postingan sekalian mau menuhin blog ane yang baru ini lho , oke simak ya , .

ada yang bilang tusfiles hanya scam ?? percaya atau tidak ?? ya terserah anda . ! jika kalian masih ragu untuk tusfile ! coba lihat gambar di bawah ini ya . ! jngan ragu mencari uang lewat internet semuanya ada kok jalannya . ! sebenarnya situs - situs penyedia iklan itu emang benar membayar lo . ! kalian aja yg meragukannya .! ini pencairan dana pertama ane dari tusfiles kemaren . !!

nah ini bukti pembayarannya telah sampai ke account paypal ane bror . !!
nah gimana ? tertarik atau tidak ?? terbuktikan pembayarannya . ! ntar ane share deh gimana caranya supaya cair itu dananya ke paypal . !jika kalian tertarik untuk mencari uang di internet dengan sudah terbukti pembayarannya , silakan daftar melalui link gambar di bawah ini :D
sekian dulu ya . ! terimakasih . !

hai sobat ku . !! gimana dengan trik kemaren yg aku kasih ??? masih work kan ?? :D ini aja aku lagi makek ni trik sob . ! ni SS nya :
mantap kan ?? tapi kemaren ada yg komplin . triknya sering DC katanya . !!!
bagi yang belum tau triknya bisa masuk kesini sob . !! Trik Internet PC XL 26 Nov 2012
nah untuk mengatasi trik internet PC via XL ini yang katanya sering DC , dapat kalian download disni apa aja yang harus anda lakukan . ! supaya ni trik nggak gampang DC . ! seperti ane .sob . !

oke terimakasih . !!!

hai sobat ku semuanya . ! ane bisa minta tolongg nggak ya ?? tolong dunk klik 1 iklan aja di blog ini , suapaya ane bisa lebih semangat lagi nih buat ngeblog . !! oke bror , makasih ya . !

ane update trik internet gratis terbaru pc 24 november 2012 , ini SS nya kalonggak percaya . !

ni caranya sob :

1. siapkan alat tempurnya . ! bisa ambil disini juga . ! CFG proximitonya disini : 

untuk pasword CFG proximitronya ambil disini :

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jika ada yang kurang jelas bisa di tanyakan di kolom komentar . ! atau melalui Twitter saya : @adieustacia

Keywod : trik internet gratis terbaru XL PC 2012

Cara bikin account :
  1. Bikin account Gapp menggunakan account gmail disini ( catatan anda harus mempunyain account gmail terlebih dahulu )
  2. Setelah masuk lalu akan muncul Create Application , klik .
  3. Google akan meminta anda untuk memverifikasi account tersebut, Pilih Text Message  masukan No HP anda dan tunggu sms dari google. lalu masukan code yang di sms google.
  4. Lalu akan muncul Tampilan Pengisian applikasi. isikan nama applikasi di Application Identifier, (contoh : internet-graatis), isi Application Title bebas apa aja. pada Authentication Options (Advanced) pilih Open to all Google Accounts users (default). check aggree dan create application.
Cara mengaktifkan :
  1. Download 
  2. Extract hasil download di mana aja.
  3. Masuk folder hasil extract, lalu masuk folder fetchserver, didalam folder tersebut ada 2 file, buka file app.yaml pakai notepad++ / wordpad.
  4. pada kata your_application_name ganti dengan nama application yang anda bikin seperti di atas, contoh : application: your_application_name menjadi application: internet-graatis lalu save.
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Cara menggunakan :
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  2. Extract Hasil Download, lalu masuk folder extract lalu buka file proxy.conf pakai notepad++/wordpad.
  3. Setelah dibuka penampakannya seperti berikut.
Sumber !

hai sobat semuanya . !! disini saya akan mengasih tau bagai mana sih caranya supaya page rrank kita naik dengan cepat ??? innnni saya kasih tau toritorialnya . ! kamu bikin 1 post yang mirip dengan aku ini ya . !!
1. post ini wajib sob di bloh kaloan , ! karena menyangkut SEO blog kalian juga . !
2. Copy Link ini di blog agan !!
  1. Google
  2. Yahoo
  3. Alexa
  4. Webmaster Tool
  5. Bing
  6. Msn
  7. Ask
  8. Aneuk Cabak
  9. Jss Tripler
  10. Tryadi Firdaus
Sebelum Anda meletakkan link diatas, Anda harus menghapus peserta nomor 1 dari daftar. Sehingga semua peserta naik 1 level. Yang tadi nomor 2 jadi nomor 1, nomor 3 jadi 2, dst. Kemudian masukkan link kamu sendiri di bagian paling bawah.
Hasilnya akan seperti ini:

  1. Yahoo
  2. Alexa
  3. Webmaster Tool
  4. Bing
  5. Msn
  6. Ask
  7. Aneuk Cabak
  8. Jss Tripler
  9. Tryadi Firdaus
  10. Blog agan 
Nah jika tiap peserta mampu mengajak 5 orang saja, maka jumlah backlink yang akan didapat adalah
Ketika posisi kamu 10, jumlah backlink = 1
Posisi 9, jml backlink = 5
Posisi 8, jml backlink = 25
Posisi 7, jml backlink = 125
Posisi 6, jml backlink = 625
Posisi 5, jml backlink = 3,125
Posisi 4, jml backlink = 15,625
Posisi 3, jml backlink = 78,125
Posisi 2, jml backlink = 390,625
Posisi 1, jml backlink = 1,953,125

Jadi agan agan wajib daro posisi 10 ya gan !! jika kurang jelas bisa di komentari gan , ntar ane tunjukin lagi kalo kurang jelas . !

There's no doubt that we are seeing a significant shift in our technology and the way we interact with it over the past two decade with computers being in every home. Over the last 2 years however, things have intensely changed by way of how consumers behave after the tablet computer revolution worldwide. The tablet reviews suggest that this explosion started with the Apple iPad of course, and carries on with the iPad 2 as well as numerous other tablet devices running. From Linux 11.04, iOS, Android and soon to be Windows 8, the tablets were running on so many of operating systems. While Apple has grabbed the headlines for its latest multimedia tablets, other companies are racing to catch with their own piece of tablets. The tablet reviews gives out an impression that these thin devices are designed for everything from watching videos to playing games to reading newspapers.

Wide adoption of tablets among mainstream consumers will depend on easily accessible applications and content, some best tablet in India are promising enough on all these front. Although it is too early to tell how much attention these tablets will gain among potential buyers, the initial tablet reviews are saying that the state of technology is such that the best tablet in India will be the right mix of applications, hardware and mobility. All these features will be available to make them more than just a niche device in an already crowded market.

Tablet computers have been around for about two decades, though they haven't caught on with mainstream consumers. But a new generation of consumer tablets with better screens and improved operating systems are succeed where past tablets have failed. Apple has been a very dormant market and have been good pieces of engineering. Unlike laptops and netbooks, the next generation tablets have virtual keyboards, like the iPhone. They will have Web-browsing capabilities and serve as sophisticated platforms for all forms of media content. They also will enable publishers to seamlessly embed video presentations in text. Using a tablet is not a great way to write, but it's a great way to navigate and input information. The popularity and success of the iPad is considered a main reason why rivals need to get into the tablet market with highly compatible tablets. Earlier this year, PC heavyweights Hewlett-Packard, Dell and Lenovo had unveiled their own set of best tablet in India, which are now rolling out. HP said its multimedia device has video-playing and e-reading capabilities. Dell introduced a tablet with a 5-inch display that it says is a companion to a PC. Lenovo showed off a hybrid laptop that has both a physical keyboard and a multi touch screen. So we can expect a power packed year with best tablet in India.

bagi yang bertanya tanya kapan sih jadwal rilis anime blog ini ?? dan animenya apa
aja sih disini ?? 
Berikut adalah jadwal anime disni :
Ore No Kanojo To Osananajimi Ga Shuraba Sugiru
Minggu - Senen

Hari Jum'at - Sabtu

Minami-ke Tadaima
Hari Senen - Selasa

Hari Rabu - Kamis


Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo?
 Hari Sabtu - Minggu

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It is not a problem to buy a new smartphone these days. Indeed, this is the most rapidly developing industry that keeps everyone intrigued. It is interesting to observe the battle between Apple, Android and Windows Phone devices. Yet, the biggest problem is how to take care of these ultra expensive and sophisticated devices.
Today, most smartphones have 4+ inch screens. These are large devices, so it may be not really comfortable to keep them in jeans pockets. Besides, there are risks of scratching smartphones. Therefore, they need protection. Perhaps, you have heard of cell phone cases or you may actually use one. Such cases are designed to protect devices from wear and scratches. As known, many people tend to sell used cell phones, so scratches will definitely decrease the selling price.
Choosing a good cell phone case can be a big problem. Sure, there are plenty of stores offering hundreds of different models. Down the page are key characteristics a good phone case should have:
· Durability. Forget about those cheap 1$ cases that are offered everywhere nowadays. After all, if you have 500$ for a brand new smartphone, can't you find 20 more bucks for a decent case? Bear in mind that cases should be durable, which means they should survive at least a year of an intensive use.
· Materials. Luckily, customers can easily choose among various options, when it comes to choosing materials for cases. For example, leather is incredibly popular. Your cell phone will look stylish. Besides, leather contributes to a business style. For instance, leather cases go well with the new iPhones. Also, you may opt for such materials and silicone or rubberized plastic which may become your phone's second skin.
· Color. There shouldn't be any problems with picking your favorite color due to a huge choice of cases in the online and offline markets.
· Design. There are lots of funny cases with hilarious pictures. Some manufacturers even offer to place your own images or inscriptions on the cases, although this is a more expensive option. Choose products that go well with the design of your new smartphone.
Sure, some folks claim that the best way to buy a case that fits your device is to try it on at the offline store. Yes, I can agree here. However, there are lots of reliable online stores that specialize in cases for cell phones. So, if the store managers claim that the chosen case fits your iPhone, there are no obvious reasons to doubt it. By the way, if your budget permits, buy 2 or more cases to change them on a regular basis. This is funny and practical.

Bagi kalian yang ingin berdonasi kepada kami bisa melakukannya dibawah ini mas, donasi kami buat bukan untuk kepentingan saya sendiri , kami disini adalah tim mas, gunanya donasi ini adalah memperpanjang domain atau membuat acount premi supaya file tidak gampang hilang !

kami berharap banyak kepada agan-agan yang memiliki rezeki yang sedikit berlebih , untuk disumbangkan kepada kami .

Berdonasi Klik dibawah ini ya !

Database application and web application development are couple expressions, originated in the computers realm, routinely used by the mass. How come common people find interest in those topics? Well, the reason is obvious; in our time almost all people, regardless if they are aware of it or not, enjoy the products of these two words on a daily basis.
Database is a compilation of significant data, organized in particular frames. There are many sub-definitions upon which the data is referred to and managed, yet, the leading objectives of any database application, together with the database management systems that accompany it, are to be able to, backup, gather, store, process maintain and analyze huge amounts of details according to specific demands, quickly with prompt outputs.
Web application development is the process of writing computer programs which may be accessed by people over a common network. Such computer applications can be maintained and updated efficiently without interrupting their functionality, and can also be installed or applied online by a wide range of customers simultaneously.
Due to the fact that the world has become a global village, communication, scientific research and business along with other areas of life, became available to the worldwide community. The presence of database applications and web applications has opened a great number of options and uses that could not be done or taken care of previously.
As a rule individuals have the tendency to ignore the way they have lived before modernization pounded on their front door. Many do not even understand how many times a day they actually use things that were produced by the processes of database application and web application development. Each direction we observe representations of these applications pop right out.
All financial services such as banks, educational and medical systems, massive organizations and industries, scientific researches and many others are employing notable database systems that enable them to handle the extensive volumes of facts and information they need to process.
The web applications are mainly employed by the internet visitors; however, nowadays that implies most of the world's population. Some web applications are developed as shelf products, while others are tailored for a certain client; they are designed for different purposes such as trade and communication practices, office software, projects management, video editing transportation and logistics, social media and other multi media products.
Take for instance a tour company that runs an intercontinental or perhaps regional site that lets individuals to look for and order air tickets and accommodations through the site. This provider and its customers both make use of database applications and web application development that allow quick access to information like rates, vacancies and many more along with the execution of reserving, buying and updating the new information in real time.
This is obviously only one straightforward example, but it effectively expresses the way those tech innovations have invaded our world and are now taken for granted.

SVGA files projectors, with their fairly minimal 800 by 600 pixel native resolution, are becoming much less prevalent than their larger-res XGA (1,024 by 768) and WXGA (1,280 by 800) cousins, but they produce a reduced-priced option that still delivers image quality suitable for business or classroom displays on smaller to mid-sized screens. As such, the ViewSonic PJD5133 offers reasonably excellent image excellent and a solid characteristic set, which includes HDMI connectivity.
The PJD5133 is reasonably bright at a rated two,700 lumens. Some SVGA projectors, including the Optoma Pro160S, run as bright as a few,000 lumens, but the difference is modest, in particular considering notion of brightness is logarithmic (it takes lots a lot more than doubling a projector's rated brightness for making it seem twice as bright).
It incorporates a respectable established of connections for a moveable projector, a couple of VGA-in ports (which double as component online video) and 1 VGA-out port; audio-in and audio-out jacks; S-online video; an RCA composite video recording jack; a USB mini variety B port for remote mouse regulate; and an HDMI port. A couple of other SVGA projectors, for example the Optoma Pro160S, have HDMI ports, but they're however fairly rare at this very low a resolution.
The projector measures 9.a couple of by 11.a couple of by three or more.two inches (HWD) and weighs five.7 pounds, which would make it really portable, although it happens with no a carrying situation. ViewSonic sells a suitable situation to get a modest $19 direct. The lens has each zoom (one.1x) and focus wheels; both had been smooth and responsive, and it was uncomplicated to provide the projector to a fantastic focus. I identified the remote control somewhat finicky; it was lots much less responsive when I used to be to the left from the projector than in other positions, although the IR sensor is for the front of the projector.
I tested the projector from about 10 feet aside from your monitor. Our check image, measuring about 60 inches diagonally, stood up reasonably well in the setting with moderate ambient mild.
I did our data image testing using the DisplayMate suite, at initial in excess of a VGA connection from the projector's COMPUTER SYSTEM colour mode. Image high quality was typical of an SVGA files projector, wonderful for primary business and classroom presentations. Colours ended up being somewhat muted, And I seen a slight natural tinting in some grays. I tried various coloration modes; hues had been brighter in ViewMatch (a mode created to preserve shade saturation even at higher brightness) and Brightest modes, although switching to them failed to aid together with the tinting. Switching to an HDMI connection acquired minor effect on image excellent.
One particular location exactly where SVGA projectors often suffer for their reduce resolution is in displaying textual content, along with the PJD5133 is not any exception. The smallest white-on-black text was barely readable, and also the subsequent smallest measurement was somewhat blurred, as was the smallest black-on-white textual content. Should you use a good deal of textual content (and especially little text) in shows, the next-res projector--for example the Epson PowerLite 93+, an Editors' Decision XGA projector with excellent textual content good quality--would serve you superior. Exactly the same is true in the event you wish to challenge a definitely big image. However the ViewSonic is in excess of nearly the career for workaday enterprise displays.
The PJD5133's video clip high quality is suitable for quick clips as a part of a presentation. The major situation I encountered was the rainbow impact, a common artifact in DLP projectors wherein men and women sensitive towards the impact see tiny red-green-blue flashes in even now or shifting photos, most typically in bright places towards dark backgrounds. I would noticed it in information images that have a tendency to carry the effect out, but it was a lot more pronounced in online video, just a little extra apparent than is typical inside a DLP files projector. People today who are sensitive to it's going to likely be distracted by it, so it can be best to stick to shorter films with this projector.
It does use a consolation prize being a DLP projector: its 3D readiness making use of the DLP-Link process, although you will need so you can get your own personal energetic shutter DLP-Website link glasses. ViewSonic sells them for $109 a pair, while you may get active-shutter glasses elsewhere for considerably not as much. Nevertheless, they cost adequate that you simply'd be tough pressed, say, to outfit a classroom with them.
Audio from the PJD5133's single two-watt speaker was of respectable top quality but lower quantity, audible in a pretty tiny room or in case you're near for the projector.
The ViewSonic PJD5133 can be a respectable records projector with sound overall image top quality, particularly for data. It is value contemplating, along with all the Optoma Pro160S along with the Epson PowerLite S9 Multimedia Projector, should you're wanting for a funds portable SVGA projector. To get a equivalent price tag, however, the Editors' Selection Epson PowerLite 93+ provides larger (XGA) resolution and excellent info and movie image high quality, such as better text than the ViewSonic.

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